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Engin Akyürek, the sunlike actor.

Dernière mise à jour : 19 sept. 2021

Episode 43

« In you, I can hear the earth sing" Pablo Neruda

In this episode, Sancar, the splendid efe we love so much, is back, when confronted to the evil Güven. When Sancar sets sails and goes on a crusade, we shiver and rejoice : his fury and overwhelming moves, the way he walks and the angry darkness of his eyes are a bliss for the spectator. We love him that way, proud, obstinate, constantly seeking justice, eager to go beyond limits, to save the ones he loves. However, here, for the first time since the start of the series, the writers gift us with something different. Sancar the efe and Sancar the sensitive, soft, tender, loving man and father are reunited. We have seen him run after a love impossible to attain, tense with desire and never reaching his goal, always doubting, caught into mad suffering, unable to escape Nare's never ending destructive love. Now at last, he opens up to someone else. No more fear on his face, he steps into the light of his new feelings, embrassing a soft, caring, easy going, earthy kind of love. He has stopped chasing evaporating dreams. The compassionate acknowledgement of Mavi, allows him to be himself and give up the fight. The brief light we saw in his eyes, when he gave Nare the ring on the beach, quickly vanished, leading to despair. With Mavi, love is accessible, anchored into reality. Their wedding on the beach is the symbolic, positive opposite of the beach scene with Nare. Suddenly, Sancar's face lit up, the shadows of pain slowly give way to lightness, he is back on earth. He sees the other because he is seen, life becomes possible. With Nare he had to kneel down and beg, the sun was cold, we had the feeling all could suddenly fall into darkness and the woman he loved did not give herself to him.

With Mavi, on the beach, no guests, family ot big fuss. Only his long lasting friend Kavruk is by his side, a witness of his joy. The light is soft, the sea peacefully reflecting the beautiful simplicity of their vow to each other. And Sancar laughs in the sun.

This episode reveals Sancar's togetherness: the fabulous efe and the sensitive, loving man, the father and the lover. Love does not deny his true self, on the contrary, love brings in the open and unfolds, what was sleeping inside him and could not be spoken.

Cathie Hubert 12/03/2021 Translated from my French article " Engin Akyürek, le solaire"

Writer, artist, Teacher.

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