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Engin Akyürek, the light in his heart.

Whilst waiting for this outstanding actor new film * to come on the screen and write about it, a thought came to my mind. Just like books, music or poetry do, stories and actors make us dream. When it comes to Engin Akyürek, it is obvious the actor's influence goes beyong appearances, trends or cinema even. Just like a book can burn our hands when it carries us away, that man changes our perception of the world. Aside from his empathy, kindness and human warmth off the screen, each year, for his birthday, instead of receiving presents, he asks his admirers to donate money to one of his favourite charities.

( Daruşşafaka, a charity supporting poor children's education in Turkey). That choice says a lot about who he is.

When we cross the path of a luminous being, our life subtly evolves, as if an angel wing was softly touching our soul. This is what Engin Akyürek does. His inner light and glow, goes beyong his physical beauty. When he slides into his characters skin, he embraces it all with passion and heart, and illuminates the screen with his dazzling presence.

Whoever he embodies, whatever metamorphosis he goes through, his true heart and presence are there, always. Those in search of the absolute see it. That man's heart glows.

Engin Akyürek is not interested in his own image or glory. No, what make him so unique and makes our own soul burn, is the truth we can see in his eyes, in his acting and in his commitments as a human being.

Cathie Hubert,

Artist, author, designer.

Octobre 2021.

Donator for Daruşşafaka

*Film release on Netflix January 2022 Yolun acık Olsun.

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