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Engin Akyürek, Sancar, the end of a dream.

Dernière mise à jour : 20 avr. 2021

I know, the countdown has already begun. In three weeks time, Engin will step out of our daily life, leaving with the summer light. With him, we will have gone through those tormented times, when the world became obscure... From all over the planet, for over a year and a half, each Monday, men and women of different backgrounds, ages and languages, stopped what they were doing, to watch Engin Akyürek in Sefirin Kizi. Faithfully present, forgetting for a few hours their feelings of isolation, their illnesses, heart sorrows, worries, pains, projects, work or plans and the overshadowing dark clouds over our heads. With the closing down of theaters, opera houses, cinemas, museums, concert halls, we have been deprived of the spiritual nourishments, who make our soul thrive. Luckily, we still had books to read and stories to watch. I know, nothing compares to the beautiful reality of life, a blazing sunset, a bird song on a beautiful morning, the light shimmering on the sea or the kiss of a beloved person. However, the miracle of internet, gifted us with Sefirin Kizi and above all, with an outstanding actor in that story. Engin Akyürek, his beauty, culture and wonderful language, the ocean of feelings in his interpretation of Sancarefe, the light on his face, his sunlike laugh and shimmering presence, the way he moves, his voice like no other and how he feeds life into his character, letting the whole spectrum of human emotions go through him, his heart opened.

Films and books are to us humans, as necessary as the air we breathe, some are mirrors of our soul, some make us think or dream. The encounter between Sancarefe and the spectator, yearning for stories, has been one of those voyages of the heart, a breath of fresh air, a timeless escape from reality, soothing our mind and reactivating our heart beats.

And yet indeed, this man, who can make our soul shine and tremble, is very real. His hard work behind the camera, the endless hours acting, his identity, fantastic energy and radiant aura are real. We are all in search of the absolute. With talent and grace, Engin Akyürek reaches our dreamers soul. Our eyes, always looking at the sky, have sensed the unusual inner light of this simple and modest man, who shines on the screen and sets fire to our soul. Like a precious book coming to an end, we will soon have to let go and leave behind, our much loved Sancar, who gave us so much happiness in those troubled times, a dream to our heart. In less than three weeks, the production, caravans, actors and everyone who made that story possible, will have disappeared from Bodrum. But I know, like all the things that live beyond appearances, there will always be, lingering in the evening breeze, the echo of Sancarefe laughter and tears, his warm energy and enchanting voice, the sound of his steps, the banging of doors, his love whispers, fits of anger and beautiful insolence.

God gifted actor, Engin Akyürek gave life to the pure hearted efe, whose path we have followed with unfailing faithfulness and love. Soon he will go back to his own life, for a well deserved rest. He will love, drink, sing, read, walk, dream and probably write. And yet, somehow, I can already imagine him breathe, exhale, go back into himself and come back to us.

Post Scriptum: The role of Sancar efe was such an exceptional performance by Engin Akyürek, it will be, I feel, a huge turning point in his career. I wish him outstanding films offers in Turkey and abroad, he deserves the best and can do anything.

Cathie Hubert, Artiste, writer ( Translated from my French original article)

France 18/04/2021

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